Maintain Your Pilot Currency and Proficiency
Flight Training
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“Your school provides an excellent atmosphere for learning and I received a tremendous amount of information in a short period of time. I would highly recommend your school to anyone seeking such an intensive program.”
Mark D. Rittenhouse
Commercial Pilot
Flight Instructor

Proficiency Programs at Century Air
Century Air offers unique programs for IFR and VFR pilots for maintaining and/or regaining your pilot currency.

Instrument Refresher Course
It takes frequent practice to keep your instrument flying skills sharp. The Instrument Refresher Course is designed for pilots who have maintained their currency, but who want to continually train to improve their IFR skills. Century Air offers this one-day course, which is a combination of ground instruction and approach procedures review, followed by a comprehensive simulator session in the Frasca 242 state-of-the-art simulator. We recommend that all instrument pilots attend this important course every 6 months to maintain their currency, confidence and skills.
Instrument Proficiency Check (IPC)
If you’ve allowed your instrument currency to lapse, you can get it back quickly and efficiently at Century Air. We offer a thorough and professional Instrument Proficiency Check which is divided into three phases including ground instruction, simulator, and airplane. The amount of time that’s passed since your currency lapsed (and your previous experience level) will determine how much training you will need to complete the IPC. The course will thoroughly cover all aspects of instrument flying and help you to regain your confidence and skills to fly safely in IFR conditions.

Biennial Flight Review (BFR)
All pilot’s must complete a BFR every two years to maintain currency of their pilot certificate. Century offers a BFR course consisting of two hours ground review and a two hour flight review for pilots who have not allowed their currency to lapse and have maintained proficiency. Pilot’s who have not flown in an extended period of time may need to obtain additional training to achieve the required level of proficiency.
Airline Interview Preparation
Century Air offers airline interview preparation training for pilots who want to improve their skills and knowledge prior to the job interview. This specialized simulator training session is conducted by Richard Greene, a retired American Airlines Captain and FAA Designated Examiner. Increase your hiring potential! 95% of candidates have successfully become employed after completing this 2-3 hour training session.