Pilot Supplies


Century Air has a large inventory of pilot supplies for all of your aviation needs. We stock a variety of training manuals, aeronautical charts, kneeboards, logbooks, test guides, etc… Visit us seven days per week from 8AM-7PM (6PM weekends).

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“As a professional pilot and an FAA Designated Pilot Examiner (DPE), I am often asked where I receive my aviation training. With great pride I tell them Century Air. In an age of flight schools whose goals are to produce pilot as quickly as possible for a “package” price, Century Air continues to focus on the individual and produce highly skilled pilots. Most pilots have experienced the training environment in only one or two flight schools. As a DPE, I have the opportunity to conduct checkrides of pilots from an ever increasing list of flight schools. With that experience, I can state with confidence that you will not find a finer flight school than Century Air.”

David Klein, Captain
Net Jets
FAA Designated Pilot Examiner (DPE)



“I decided to get my CFI to make myself a better pilot. There is no question that my training at Century Air has done that. Your instructors and school are by far the most professional that I have encountered. I wanted to express my gratitude for the tremendous experience I had at Century!”

Jack Downey
Flight Instructor (CFI)

New York, NY


Pilot Resources

FAA Regulations

Weather Briefing

Flight Planning

Aircraft Weight & Balance

Aircraft Manuals (POH)

Forms and Applications

Aircraft Rental Insurance

Live ATC

International Students

Written Testing Preparation

Exams 4 Pilots – Free Practice Written Tests
My Pilot Tests – Free Practice Written Tests
King Schools – To Order Written Test Software
ASA Test Preparation – To Order Written Test Software
Gleim – To Order Written Test Software

Student Financial Aid

KCDW Airport Information

IFR Training Resources


FAA Medical Exam Info

Flight Tracking

FAA Publications

Airplane Flying Handbook

Front Cover-Table Of Contents
Chapter 1: Introduction to Flight Training
Chapter 2: Ground Operations
Chapter 3: Basic Flight Maneuvers
Chapter 4: Mastering Altitude and Airspeed Control
Chapter 5: Maintaining Aircraft Control
Chapter 6: Takeoffs and Departure Climbs
Chapter 7: Ground Reference Maneuvers
Chapter 8: Airport Traffic Patterns
Chapter 9: Approaches and Landings
Chapter 10: Performance Maneuvers
Chapter 11: Night Operations
Chapter 12: Transition to Complex Airplanes
Chapter 13: Transition to Multiengine Airplanes
Chapter 14: Transition to Tailwheel Airplanes
Chapter 15: Transition to Turbopropeller-Powered Airplanes
Chapter 16: Transition to Jet-Powered Airplanes (LSA)
Chapter 17: Transition to Light Sport Airplanes
Chapter 18: Emergency Procedures

Pilot’s Handbook of Aeronautical Knowledge

Front Cover
Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Introduction to Flying
Chapter 2: Aeronautical Decision-Making
Chapter 3: Aircraft Construction
Chapter 4: Principles of Flight
Chapter 5: Aerodynamics of Flight
Chapter 6: Flight Controls
Chapter 7: Aircraft Systems
Chapter 8: Flight Instruments
Chapter 9: Flight Manuals and Other Documents
Chapter 10: Weight and Balance
Chapter 11: Aircraft Performance
Chapter 12: Weather Theory
Chapter 13: Aviation Weather Services
Chapter 14: Airport Operations
Chapter 15: Airspace
Chapter 16: Navigation
Chapter 17: Aeromedical Factors

Instrument Flying Handbook

Complete Manual – 371 Pages

Chapter 1: The National Airspace System
Chapter 2: Air Traffic Control System
Chapter 3: Human Factors
Chapter 4: Aerodynamic Factors
Chapter 5: Flight Instruments
Chapter 6: Attitude Instrument Flying
Chapter 7: Basic Flight Maneuvers
Chapter 8: Helicopter Instrument Flying
Chapter 9: Navigation Systems
Chapter 10: IFR Flight
Chapter 11: Emergency Operations
Appendix A: Clearance Shorthand
Appendix B: Instrument Training Lesson Guide

Instrument Procedures Handbook

Front Cover
Front Page
Table Of Contents
Summary of Changes
Chapter 1: Departure Procedures
Chapter 2: Enroute Operations
Chapter 3: Arrivals
Chapter 4: Approaches
Chapter 5: Improvement Plans
Chapter 6: Airborne Navigation Databases
Chapter 7: Helicopter Instrument Procedures
Appendix A: Emergency Procedures
Appendix B: Acronyms

Airman Certification Standards (ACS)

Private Pilot – Airplane
Instrument Rating
Commercial Pilot – Airplane
Airline Transport Pilot
Flight Instructor
Flight Instructor Instrument

Aeronautical Information Manual (AIM)

General Information
Chapter 1: Air Navigation
Chapter 2: Aeronautical Lighting and Other Airport Visual Aids
Chapter 3: Airspace
Chapter 4: Air Traffic Control
Chapter 5: Air Traffic Procedures
Chapter 6: Emergency Procedures
Chapter 7: Safety of Flight
Chapter 8: Medical Facts for Pilots
Chapter 9: Aeronautical Charts and Related Publications
Chapter 10: Helicopter Operations
Appendix 1: Bird/Other Wildlife Strike Report
Appendix 2: Volcanic Activity Reporting Form (VAR)
Appendix 3: Abbreviations/Acronyms
Appendix 4: FAA Form 7233-4 International Flight Plan
Appendix 5: FAA Form 7233-1 Flight Plan
Pilot/Controller Glossary