Pilot Resources
Pilot Supplies

Century Air has a large inventory of pilot supplies for all of your aviation needs. We stock a variety of training manuals, aeronautical charts, kneeboards, logbooks, test guides, etc… Visit us seven days per week from 8AM-7PM (6PM weekends).
Request Information
Request information on any of Century Air’s training programs and services.
“As a professional pilot and an FAA Designated Pilot Examiner (DPE), I am often asked where I receive my aviation training. With great pride I tell them Century Air. In an age of flight schools whose goals are to produce pilot as quickly as possible for a “package” price, Century Air continues to focus on the individual and produce highly skilled pilots. Most pilots have experienced the training environment in only one or two flight schools. As a DPE, I have the opportunity to conduct checkrides of pilots from an ever increasing list of flight schools. With that experience, I can state with confidence that you will not find a finer flight school than Century Air.”
David Klein, Captain
Net Jets
FAA Designated Pilot Examiner (DPE)

“I decided to get my CFI to make myself a better pilot. There is no question that my training at Century Air has done that. Your instructors and school are by far the most professional that I have encountered. I wanted to express my gratitude for the tremendous experience I had at Century!”
Jack Downey
Flight Instructor (CFI)
New York, NY

Pilot Resources
FAA Regulations
PART 1: Definitions and Abbreviations
PART 61: Certification of Pilots and Instructors
PART 67: Medical Standards and Certification
PART 91: General Operating and Flight Rules
PART 141: Pilot Schools
NTSB 830: Reporting Incidents and Accidents
FAA Advisory Circulars
Weather Briefing
Flight Planning
Aircraft Weight & Balance
Aircraft Manuals (POH)
Skyhawk Model 172N
Skyhawk Model 172P
Forms and Applications
Form 8710
Aircraft Review Form
NASA Report Form
FAA Medical Application
Flight Training Application
Recurrent Training Application
Aircraft Rental Insurance
AIG Non-Owned Renter Application
AOPA Non-Owned Renter Application
AP Aerospace Info and Application
Live ATC
International Students
Century Admissions Application
TSA Application Instructions
TSA Website
TSA Fingerprinting Locations
SEVP Application (M-1 Visa)
English Equivalency Exam
Apply for FAA Certificate based on your Foreign License
Written Testing Preparation
Exams 4 Pilots – Free Practice Written Tests
My Pilot Tests – Free Practice Written Tests
King Schools – To Order Written Test Software
ASA Test Preparation – To Order Written Test Software
Gleim – To Order Written Test Software
Student Financial Aid
KCDW Airport Information
IFR Training Resources
G1000 Cockpit Reference Guide
KAP140 Autopilot Pilot’s Guide
KAP-140 Quick Reference Card
KLN94 Pilot’s Guide
KLN89B Pilot’s Guide
GNS430 Quick Reference Guide
FAA Medical Exam Info
Flight Tracking
FAA Publications
Airplane Flying Handbook
Front Cover-Table Of Contents
Chapter 1: Introduction to Flight Training
Chapter 2: Ground Operations
Chapter 3: Basic Flight Maneuvers
Chapter 4: Mastering Altitude and Airspeed Control
Chapter 5: Maintaining Aircraft Control
Chapter 6: Takeoffs and Departure Climbs
Chapter 7: Ground Reference Maneuvers
Chapter 8: Airport Traffic Patterns
Chapter 9: Approaches and Landings
Chapter 10: Performance Maneuvers
Chapter 11: Night Operations
Chapter 12: Transition to Complex Airplanes
Chapter 13: Transition to Multiengine Airplanes
Chapter 14: Transition to Tailwheel Airplanes
Chapter 15: Transition to Turbopropeller-Powered Airplanes
Chapter 16: Transition to Jet-Powered Airplanes (LSA)
Chapter 17: Transition to Light Sport Airplanes
Chapter 18: Emergency Procedures
Pilot’s Handbook of Aeronautical Knowledge
Front Cover
Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Introduction to Flying
Chapter 2: Aeronautical Decision-Making
Chapter 3: Aircraft Construction
Chapter 4: Principles of Flight
Chapter 5: Aerodynamics of Flight
Chapter 6: Flight Controls
Chapter 7: Aircraft Systems
Chapter 8: Flight Instruments
Chapter 9: Flight Manuals and Other Documents
Chapter 10: Weight and Balance
Chapter 11: Aircraft Performance
Chapter 12: Weather Theory
Chapter 13: Aviation Weather Services
Chapter 14: Airport Operations
Chapter 15: Airspace
Chapter 16: Navigation
Chapter 17: Aeromedical Factors
Instrument Flying Handbook
Complete Manual – 371 Pages
Chapter 1: The National Airspace System
Chapter 2: Air Traffic Control System
Chapter 3: Human Factors
Chapter 4: Aerodynamic Factors
Chapter 5: Flight Instruments
Chapter 6: Attitude Instrument Flying
Chapter 7: Basic Flight Maneuvers
Chapter 8: Helicopter Instrument Flying
Chapter 9: Navigation Systems
Chapter 10: IFR Flight
Chapter 11: Emergency Operations
Appendix A: Clearance Shorthand
Appendix B: Instrument Training Lesson Guide
Instrument Procedures Handbook
Front Cover
Front Page
Table Of Contents
Summary of Changes
Chapter 1: Departure Procedures
Chapter 2: Enroute Operations
Chapter 3: Arrivals
Chapter 4: Approaches
Chapter 5: Improvement Plans
Chapter 6: Airborne Navigation Databases
Chapter 7: Helicopter Instrument Procedures
Appendix A: Emergency Procedures
Appendix B: Acronyms
Airman Certification Standards (ACS)
Private Pilot – Airplane
Instrument Rating
Commercial Pilot – Airplane
Airline Transport Pilot
Flight Instructor
Flight Instructor Instrument
Aeronautical Information Manual (AIM)
General Information
Chapter 1: Air Navigation
Chapter 2: Aeronautical Lighting and Other Airport Visual Aids
Chapter 3: Airspace
Chapter 4: Air Traffic Control
Chapter 5: Air Traffic Procedures
Chapter 6: Emergency Procedures
Chapter 7: Safety of Flight
Chapter 8: Medical Facts for Pilots
Chapter 9: Aeronautical Charts and Related Publications
Chapter 10: Helicopter Operations
Appendix 1: Bird/Other Wildlife Strike Report
Appendix 2: Volcanic Activity Reporting Form (VAR)
Appendix 3: Abbreviations/Acronyms
Appendix 4: FAA Form 7233-4 International Flight Plan
Appendix 5: FAA Form 7233-1 Flight Plan
Pilot/Controller Glossary