Our latest Student Spotlight is on Commercial Pilot Alex Horak. Alex has earned his Multi-Engine Instructor Rating (MEI) with Century Air – and he completed the full course in just one week!
Alex is a US veteran who spent six years on active duty in the Air Force (2008-2014), which included two deployments to Southwest Asia where he worked in Aircraft Structural Maintenance. Upon completing his military service, Alex decided to pursue a career as a pilot and has since earned his college degree (in aviation) and all his pilot ratings and certificates using the Post 911 GI Bill. Although there is a cap on the amount of benefits available to veterans each year, Alex received funding for nearly 90% of his total training and tuition costs.
Alex joined an airline “cadet program” early in his training, which has secured him employment as a first officer once he reaches 1250 total hours (he is currently at 890). By earning his college degree in aviation, he is eligible for a “restricted ATP” which reduces the normal 1500 total hour requirement.
Congratulations Alex, on doing a great job earning your rating with Century Air! We also wish you great success in the pursuit of your airline career, and thank you for your service to our country.
To find out more about using your Veteran’s Benefits for flight training with Century Air, please contact our VA Representative at 973-575-4800.