Meet Martin Davidson of NYC, a private pilot who holds an instrument rating and is currently working towards his commercial pilot certificate with Century Air. Martin works in the computer industry during the week, and spends his evenings and weekends enjoying his well earned certificate in his brand new Diamond DA-40 (purchased straight from the factory). This is the dream of most pilots… to own an aircraft and enjoy the freedom of flight anytime you desire!
Martin partnered with another Century Air student, Mario Verciani, to cut the cost of ownership in half. Very smart! Mario is also a private pilot who is currently working on his instrument rating using this DA-40 in Century Air’s Part 141 instrument rating course. The aircraft is very popular among pilots offering 180HP, G1000 synthetic vision, traffic (TAS) and XM weather – but watch out for the 40 foot wingspan! It’s also a great cross country aircraft with a 155 mph cruise speed. The Diamond has a center control stick, but surprisingly, Martin found the transition from the conventional Cessna 172 steering to be a fairly easy process. “It just takes a little getting used to.”
Martin began his private pilot training with Century Air in 2011 after doing a lot of research to find the perfect flight school. He said “I chose Century Air because it was the most professional school I found.” Congrats Martin and Mario on your purchase! May you have many safe and adventurous travels for years to come.