Susana Restrepo recently completed the Professional Pilot course and is our first female international (M-1) student to earn her Commercial Pilot Certificate (single and multi-engine with an instrument rating). Throughout her training, she has performed to a level of excellence!
Susana, age 20, came to the United States from Colombia only two years ago (with very few English skills) to take the training necessary to become a commercial pilot. She has achieved that goal, and so much more! Her English is now excellent and her piloting skills are too.
She definitely takes after her father with her desire to fly. He received his flight training in New Jersey years ago before becoming an airline pilot in Colombia. He did a lot of research to choose Century Air for his daughter’s training and that has certainly proven to be a great choice. She wants to follow in her father’s footsteps and also land a job flying for an airline in Colombia. We wish you all the best, Susana, and hope you come back to visit us in NJ often!